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What is the School of Psychoanthropology?
This site will introduce you to methods which, not very many years ago, were guarded secret and reserved for chosen men and women.

The School of Psychoanthropology is a School of Wisdom, a place of learning where knowledge and techniques are transmitted that permit one to live better in the world while at the same time working for the common good.
Within each of us there exist certain fundamental questions. Some people decide to set out in search for answers to these questions.
What is the difference between an ordinary, conventional person who does nothing more than passively follow the course of life, blown about here and there by the whim of his desires, and a person who, through his efforts and perhaps also his suffering, decides one day to set out in search for the answers to these questions?
On this web site we are presenting you a place where men and women together try to find true questions and true answers, through methods that have been taught by the masters of wisdom over the ages.
School of Psychoanthropology © 2006 - 28 septembre, 2007

School of Psychoanthropology