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Selim Aïssel gives his teaching for the most part orally, during conferences. In the context of this transmission, Selim Aïssel also addresses man's emotional and physical development.

 The conferences are retranscribed in books (published in French and, in part, in German) and are available in audio or video format (CD, cassette, DVD and VHS).

     A few samples...
     - Video of the Week
     - Aborder le travail intérieur avec l'attitude du héros (french - audio - mp3 - length 1"56 - 1,8 M0)
     - Avant de faire, se poser la question du "comment" (french - audio - mp3 - length 2"21 - 2,2 M0)

The Teaching is also transmitted in...
 Verses, sung or recited  
     A few samples from the Song of Eternity...
     - Be close to Eternity (english - audio - mp3 format - length 29 s - 463 K0)
     - True Courage (french - audio - mp3 format - length 31 s - 493 K0)

Stories, tales, and aphorisms from many different traditions
  A few samples...
     - Selected stories of Master de Faria
     - Impertinent Spiritual Thoughts (excerpts)
     - New Impertinent Spiritual Thoughts (excerpts from an interview with Selim Aïssel)

Movements and danses
  A few samples...
     - Video 1 (french - mpeg format - length 52 s - 5,9 M0)
     - Video 2 (french - mpeg format - length 54 s - 7,2 M0)

Practical seminars and workshops involving work groups
    A few of the subjects studied...
     - The Enneagram
     - The law of the Octave
     - ...

 Impulses given to his pupils to create in the artistic domain
     - Sculpture
     - Painting
     - Song
     - Literature
     - etc...
School of Psychoanthropology © 2006 - 30 octobre, 2007

School of Psychoanthropology